
[특강] 2023년 데이터사이언스 융합기술세미나 3rd. 국외전문가특강(인도바라나스힌두대학)


데이터사이언스대학원 비교과 프로그램의 일환으로 다양한 도메인 기반 대학원 재학생의 연구범위 확대를 위한

국외대학 석학의 머신러닝 분야 연구과정 공유 및 기술 교류 세미나를 진행하오니 많은 참석 부탁드립니다.

(특강 운영: 데이터사이언스대학원 성진택 교수)

[주제] Data Transformation and Discovery:
Exploring Dimensional Reduction, Affective Computing and Content-Based Retrieval

[특강연사] Manoj Kumar Singh (Professor) / Sunnel Kumar, Ruchilekha(Ph.D candidate)

[일시] 2023. 11. 13.(월) 오후 3시 ~ 5시

[장소] 도서관 별관 203호 강의실

[참석대상] 해당 주제에 관심있는 누구나, 특히 박사후연구원 채용을 희망하는 학과 내 교원 참석 추천

[참석방법] 포스터 내 QR코드 스캔 ▶ 구글폼 작성
https://forms.gle/GrgJsp2NQUtZRzXy9 (작성 제출: 11월 12일 오후 11시까지)

[참석문의] 오희숙 팀장 / 최고062-530-5773

[마일리지] 사업단 주관 세미나 오프라인 참여(3점/10분 기준) ▶ 총 36점 적립

별 Abstract 별

[#SESSION 1: Dimensional Reduction Method: A Trace Optimization and Eigen Problem] 

This research gives an overview of the eigenvalue problems encountered in areas of data mining that are related to dimension reduction.

Given some input high-dimensional data, the goal of dimension reduction is to map them to a low dimensional space such that certain properties of the initial data are preserved.

Optimizing the above properties among the reduced data can be typically posed as a trace optimization problem that leads to an eigenvalue problem.

[#SESSION 2: Content-Based Image and Video Retrieval in Machine Learning Framework] 

This research is to design an efficient framework for image and video retrieval by leveraging machine learning,

with a specific emphasis on utilizing deep Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) features. 

This research entails an in-depth exploration of various feature extraction methods, dimension reduction techniques,

and fusion approaches for enhancing image and video retrieval tasks.

The aim is to optimize and enhance the retrieval process through advanced machine learning techniques,

ultimately leading to improved performance and accuracy in image and video retrieval systems.

[#SESSION 3: Affective Computing Framework for Emotion Recognition using EEG Signals] 

This research is to develop an affective framework for emotion recognition using physiological signals, mainly focusing on EEG signals.

Here, we have explored different features, dimensionality reduction, and classification algorithms to investigate human emotional state.

Apart from this, we have also performed empirical study of brain connections established in response to emotions.

[학사] 2023학년도 제2학기 등록금 분할납부 4회분 납부기간 안내
2023학년도 2학기 지도교수 배정(1차) 및 2차 공모 안내